How are ya feeling today.....

Everyone everyday wakes up and wonders.....

Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend....remembering

Is is politically correct to wish someone happy memorial day?   Seems strange to wish someone a good time to remember the lost ones in our lives.  Of course memorial day means to most of our younger group just a extra reason to party. 
All my life we were taught to sure have a great BBQ and maybe a game of vollyball or softball but we were also raised to remember our loved ones that are no longer on this earth.  Somehow alot of Americans have lost that. 
I think we should share what memorial day is and how important it is to alot of Americans.  I still come to tears when I see the American flag waving in the wind.   We must remember what made America great and all the lives that was lost making it great. 
Usuallly I am not a great flag waver but I can still remember seeing the parades when I was younger with the veterans marching down our small town Main Street.  It still gives me the a thrill just thinking about it and how proud I was being an American.   Do not get me wrong I am still proud of being an American but I do not see alot of others feeling the same way.  I lost a lot of friends in Vietnam and feel I lost 2 husbands to it.  My first husband was not the same person  when he came back from his tour.  My last husband took his own life and I think  what he did over there is a large part of what he could not deal with.  So I feel that the day should be remembering how really lucky we are to have our soldiers  taking care of us in the past and now!
So I am feeling sad and a little sorry for myself.  Living in Montana is great but I think Memorial Day is going to be a little tough for me.  I just struggle being alone on  certain days and wonder if I could of done something to make my life a little fuller.  So here I am blogging so I can get that little bit of me out there in the world.....